Sunday, October 22, 2017

FREE CONFERENCE CALL with Dr. Ed and Jacqui Close

Free Conference Call with Dr. Ed and Jacqui Close

We feel called by God to offer help to those who have been impacted by mold, whether from the hurricanes and flooding, or leaks, water damage, or whatever the source.  If you are someone who has questions about preventing and eliminating mold, we invite you to join us for a FREE Conference Call. This call is for people who want to know what to do to deal with mold in a way that will not harm you or your family.  We will do a short presentation to cover the basics, then share The Close Protocol we developed and tested. After that, we will answer as many of your questions as possible.

Topic:  Addressing Mold in Buildings Naturally with Essential Oils

Two possible dates…

Date:   Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Time:  8 pm Eastern Time
            7 pm Central Time
            6 pm Mountain Time
            5 pm Pacific Time

Date:   Saturday, October 28, 2017
Time:  4 pm Eastern Time
            3 pm Central Time
            2 pm Mountain Time
            1 pm Pacific Time

Join us for a FREE Conference Call where we will do a short presentation on the basics of addressing mold in buildings and then answer your questions.

The number to call:
1-712-770-4671 from the USA (Charges and/or data usage may be associated with this call)
Access Code:  712215

If you miss the first call, we hope you can make time for the second call. This is not being recorded. 

Hope you can join us.
Abundant Blessings and Warm e-Hugs,
Dr. Ed and Jacqui Close

We pray that you be guided with right discernment in all that you do. May you be blessed richly and abundantly, and may you always enjoy Vibrant Health!
Very Sincerely,
Dr. Ed And Jacqui Close
Owners, EJC Advantage LLC