Tuesday, November 27, 2018

NATURE’S MOLD RX - The Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold

by Edward R Close, PhD, and Jacquelyn A Close
Posted:  November 27, 2018

Nature's Mold Rx, the Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold, is a book written by Dr. Edward R and Jacquelyn A Close between 2005 and 2007. This book includes and was based on the results of 20 Case Studies conducted by Dr. Edward R Close in using an innovative and previously untested and unused blend of all-natural, therapeutic-grade essential oils Dr. Close dubbed EOB2.  All samples were collected according to EPA and OSHA requirements for Professional Engineers and Environmental Professionals. Samples were then sent to a 3rd Party, EPA approved Laboratory for independent analysis. Dr. Close initially planned to do appropriate sampling using EOB2 along with two (2) other single oils (oregano and thyme) which were known to have anti-fungal properties. The results for EOB2 were quite amazing. The initial tests for the two (2) single oils were inconclusive, because workers did not like the smell of the other two (2) single oils and unplugged the diffusing units, preventing Dr. Close’s ability to collect valid samples for those oils.

Below are 3 short videos that show you what was initially discovered about EOB2:

Toxic Mold -- A Breakthrough Discovery is the DVD Dr. Close produced in 2006 to share the results in a visual format. These are both available through Amazon.com

Mold Elimination -- What If ??
Edward R. Close, PhD, PE

The 24-Hour Test

The 48-Hour Test.

If you have questions, please review other pages on this website and contact us if you require assistance.

Dr. Ed and Jacqui Close
Owners EJC Advantage LLC

Posted by Jacquelyn A Close
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