Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Are Bleach, Vinegar or Hydrogen Peroxide Effective for Removing Mold in Buildings?

Are Bleach, Vinegar or Hydrogen Peroxide Effective for Removing Mold?

By Edward R Close, PhD, and Jacquelyn A Close
Copyright © September 6, 2017

Bleach is about 97% water and only 3% chlorine. When you use bleach, it will kill mold and bleach the color out of any mold that you might have seen, so the mold then appears to be cleaned up. However, the chlorine evaporates before the water and that leaves water in the areas where you have had mold. 

Water feeds mold. That is why when you use bleach, you will normally see mold growing in the same areas in just a few days. In fact, mold will begin re-establishing itself in areas treated with bleach within 24 hours. This is one of the main reasons Bleach is NOT recommended for removing mold from buildings.

Using bleach, you can only address mold on surfaces, and primarily visible mold. Breathing mold spores is the first pathway of admission to the body. To address mold spores in the air, you must use something that disperses into the air. Bleach has no effect on mold spores in the air. Therefore, Bleach is NOT effective for removing mold from buildings.

What about vinegar and hydrogen peroxide? 

Vinegar is about 5% acetic acid and 95% water. The same is true for most all forms of vinegar. And, like bleach, the acid will evaporate prior to the water. White Vinegar is widely used in household cleaning because it is acidic, and can dissolve mineral deposits from glass, coffee makers, and other smooth surfaces. For most uses, dilution with additional water is recommended for safety and to avoid damaging the surfaces being cleaned. Vinegar is NOT effective for removing mold from buildings for many of the same reasons bleach is not effective.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2 O2) is generally sold in dilutions of 3% H2 O2 to 97% water. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent used in water as a bleach, and as a topical anti-infective. It is relatively unstable. Although nonflammable, it is a powerful oxidizing agent that can cause spontaneous combustion when it comes in contact with organic materials. And like bleach, it is largely water. So again, you have the same problems with using Hydrogen Peroxide as you do in using bleach and vinegar.

How do these three options, which are promoted by many as effective agents for remediating mold, stack up?
  1. All three of these options can only be applied to mold on surfaces. 
  2. All three will have some impact on mold found on surfaces, killing some of it, but not all of it. 
  3. Mold will re-establish itself within 24 hours following application of any of these three water-based solutions. 
  4. None of these three options (bleach, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide) will address mold spores in the air. And remember, it is the mold spores in the air that contribute to more than 90% of illnesses associated with mold exposure. 

What do you recommend?

We strongly recommend diffusing the EOB2 oil blend tested and using The Close Protocol for Remediating Mold in Buildings. This approach has proven over and over again in tests conducted since 2005, and verified by EPA approved independent laboratories, to be the best option for eliminating mold both in the air and on surfaces. And testing has also shown that diffusing the recommended essential oils provides a residual effect that can last at least 3-6 months. This residual effect is not available with any other known option available today.  

Diffusing EOB2 allows you to address mold on surfaces and in the air at the same time. For information on how to use essential oils for diffusing, you are invited to contact us.

If you have visible mold, then you may also need to use the recommended Household Cleaner.

We have more than 20 years of mold remediation experience, over 12 years experience using The Close Protocol to Remediate Mold in Buildings, and many hundreds of personally-supervised mold remediation projects where The Close Protocol was employed at hospitals, schools, State of Missouri agencies, and in businesses and homes across the country. We have found that EOB2 and the EOB2 essential-oil based cleaner have proven far more cost effective, as well as more complete in addressing and remediating mold in buildings.

Basic information about the Close Protocol for Mold Remediation in Buildings is presented in Chapter 7 of our book, “Nature’s Mold Rx, The Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold.” The book also discusses twenty (20) case studies in detail, and most of the questions that may arise when the protocol is applied are answered in the book.

If you have questions about how to use oils and diffusers, please contact us.

May you be richly and abundantly blessed, and may you always enjoy Vibrant Health!
Very Sincerely,

Dr. Ed And Jacqui Close
Owners, EJC Advantage LLC
Copyright  © 2017

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