About Edward R Close

ABOUT Edward R Close, PhD, PE

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, has more than 45 years of experience in the environmental field.
Edward R Close, PhD, PE
He is a recognized expert in environmental science, and has served as environmental adviser to more than 20 Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Close completed most of his PhD at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, worked for the US Geological Survey for 13 years and last served that agency as a Senior Hydrologist and Reports Specialist. For over 15 years he served either as Senior Hydrogeologist or Senior Environmental Planner for several large environmental consulting firms. He opened his own small environmental engineering company in Jackson, Missouri, in 1995, when he moved there to take care of his aged mother, who passed away several years ago.

Dr. Close is the author of numerous technical papers and 7 nonfiction books. In 2006, he released the DVD: Toxic Mold – A Breakthrough Discovery. In 2007, he co-authored the book: Nature’s Mold Rx, the Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold in which he detailed 20 Case Studies for an innovative, leading edge methodology for preventing and remediating mold that he pioneered. Since that time, he has published booklets, brochures, CDs, and other publications educating the public in ways they can enjoy a better quality of life and health through the use of his discoveries for a non-toxic solution to mold prevention and remediation.

He became a member of the Indoor Air Quality Association in 1995, and a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers in 2001.

Dr. Close is also a member of MENSA, a member of ISPE (the International Society of Philosophical Enquiry) and serves as the Society's Science Editor for their publication "Telecom," and a Distinguished Fellow of the ECAO (Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization).  

Below are 3 short video clips of information presented in the DVD. The DVDs are
Copyright, Edward R. Close and Jacquelyn A Close, EJC Advantage LLC, 2005-2018 and continuing.

Mold Elimination -- What If ??
Edward R. Close, PhD, PE

The 24-Hour Test

The 48-Hour Test.

If you have questions, please review other pages on this website and contact us if you require assistance.

Dr. Ed and Jacqui Close
Owners EJC Advantage LLC

Posted by Jacquelyn A Close
Copyright 2012-2015 and continuing


  1. I need to find the diffusers you talk about

  2. Hello Dr. & Mrs. Close . . .
    We met in 2012 in Utah at the Young Living convention. I created a household cleaning product that removes mold amongst many additional uses. Super pretty and aromatically delightful. Luv to talk with you about it. Sending happy healthy wishes.

  3. Dr. Edward R Close is an Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, a member of the MIT Energy Initiative, and Director of Advanced Technology for C2PV Technologies LLC. He received his PhD from best essay writing service uk in Mechanical Engineering (1999), MS from Stanford University in Electrical Engineering (1993) and BS from Cornell University (1991). Dr. Close's research interests are related to photovoltaics, nanotechnology, materials science with a focus on semiconductor processes and device structures for solar cells.

  4. Here is the link for what is now the Aroma Ace through Diffuser World. They used to manufacture the Thera Pro for Young Living, but they no longer do business together. The Aroma Ace is the same diffuser.

